Why is cleaning our gaming consoles so important? What is the the actual gain of doing so?

 PlayStation 4 (Fan) Dirty

People always ask us "Why is it so important to clean your system?" well there are a lot of factors on why systems should be cleaned a lot has to do with performance..... well mostly performance.  It's kind of like a vehicle you own or like even your own body, if you don't get gas in your vehicle what happens? It doesn't start, right?! What does your body always need? Food and water correct! Without those main ingredients, both your vehicle and your body cannot perform correctly. Same thing with consoles if not taken care of correctly they do not perform the way they are intended to. Consoles to us are very unique in their own way and always need constant care and many gamers don't really know this, but not to worry that's why we are here to help! In this blog, we will describe the importance of cleaning and maintenance for our gamer's consoles!

As you noticed from the above photo there is a lot of dust build-up from the fan constantly being in use, over time it collects dust from the air and other elements which eventually pile up. This is actually best best-case scenario, this isn't even the worst case, even with the regular maintenance it still built up a lot of dirt and collected dust over time. A lot of times we get consoles that actually have balls of dust in both the fan and the heating core which eventually causes the system to sound like a jet engine or even a lawnmower, and we can't have that now can we. When your system starts to sound like a jet engine that usually means your system is working twice as hard to cool the heating core because the escape routes designed in the system for the air to leave are clogged and covered with dust and dirt which can eventually cause your system to overheat. When a system overheats it ruins the circuit board in the system because it creates so much heat to the point where the system will shut down or worse get hot enough to fry the CPU chip, replacing a motherboard on any system usually costs more than what the system is currently worth when you add the Parts and Labor. Sometimes the thermal paste inside needs to be replaced but 95% of the time your console is just filled with tons of dust and lint that the paste can only do so much. That's why we always highly recommend a regular cleaning on any console you buy whether it's a new or retro console because it's cheaper to pay someone to clean it or (if you know how to take things apart and put them together) buy the cleaning materials yourself. Anything you maintain will last a lot longer and perform to the fullest of its ability which we strive for in all systems, we plan to have systems live for as long as humanly possible!

PlayStation 4 (Fan) Cleaned

If you look at the above photo you will see the same fan cleaned both inside and out, having the fan cleaned is crucial because it has less weight on it which allows it to spin faster and flow the air right out of the system quicker. Not to mention making the console a lot more quiet and not having it sound like a jet engine, like who wants an airplane for a system. People always ask us well if it requires maintenance what kind? How often should we clean it so our system doesn't have a "Game Over" moment? Very simple actually, glad you asked! There are only 2 things you need to remember the first is a system should always be aired out every 2 weeks with either compressed air in a can, or some type of machine that blows air, either way just something to keep the dust, lint, and dirt from piling up inside. The second to remember is to always have your system cleaned inside and out every month. This allows the system to avoid any build-up of any kind like lint, dirt, and dust, so that anytime you clean it in the future it becomes easier and less likely to build up which means less damage to the internal system itself. It's always important to keep your system clean and free of anything that could build up internally in your system so that it performs to the best of its abilities.

On that note!

Well, I hope reading what we had to say changed your mind a bit on why its so important to clean your consoles. Of Course, there are other factors that come into play besides cleaning like where the system is positioned for example like if it's in an open space or not, things like that have effects on the consoles as well. We take pride in what we do and if any gamers out there need help with a cleaning feel free to contact us at any of our social media platforms or just click this link https://gamerdium.com to request a form for cleaning!
