Days Gone Review

A little later than never we always say, we played this game a while ago, and guess what we did? Ya, nothing because WE BASICALLY FORGOT TO WRITE A REVIEW ON IT!! HOW FITTING OF US! Well, that's okay because you know why? We certainly can now! They never said there would be a timeline......right... Well anyway back to the task at hand here, when this game was released on April 26th, 2019 we were pretty excited because we have been looking for a zombie survival game to play for a while now. Without much around besides Resident Evil, DayZ, and 7 Days to Die, a lot of Zombie survival games were pretty played out. We were excited for Day's Gone's release because it added more flair to a typical zombie survival game, it wasn't too sandboxy which we really liked. There was more of an adventure-style gameplay similar to the Far Cry series. That's why we wanted to give a summary and a rating on this game because it was unique in its own way, but since its release, there have been more Zombie survival games being released and besides Resident Evil I feel this game made a nice easy path to come up and create new and better Zombie Survival Games. For example, Dying Light 2, The Last of Us, State of Decay 2, Etc. We feel this game created a pathway for companies to see the actual success of Zombie Survival video games and use it to create something new or even better. What we will be doing now is rating all of our games out of 100, 100 being the best, and 1 being of course as you guessed it the worst! So let's get started on our review, shall we!


As we played through this game there were quite a few things we did enjoy, for example, the Freakers! Yes as weird as it sounds the dang Freakers! What we enjoyed were how difficult they were and the unique types of Freakers there were from the runners, the screamers, to the Newts, Etc. We liked how the game stayed away from the traditional Zombie naming and used the name "Freakers" instead which gave this game another part of its Uniqueness. Another factor was this game was a true solo campaign game, with no online help from your friends, and no pay-to-win scenarios, you truly had to come up with ways to beat the game. We like survival games that require a lot of thought in your gameplay, especially when every action counts towards you whether it's good or bad. We feel the gameplay was pretty well thought out from a storyline perspective as well, story line made sense, good humor, as well as character plotting. We thought this game was well thought out for a Zombie Apocalypse-type setting, we enjoyed playing it and had a lot of fun trying to maneuver through the Freakers and figuring out how to survive.


As fun as this game was and how thought out this game was made, there were a few inconsistencies in the game which made it feel incomplete and rushed. For one at the beginning of the game during a scene, there was a flat tire on the truck that was floating off the ground (Ya we are critical so what!) which we are sure was not supposed to happen. Another issue we had with a different scene was when you were in the tunnel with Skizzo and he disappeared while you were with him, basically, Deacon was talking to himself it seemed like.  Another issue was the dialogue, even though the game had a great storyline and character development we feel like this game could have had a little more dialogue then it had. Another issue besides the dialogue was the tutorial aspect of the game with the dirt bike, there was no way of knowing how to ride the bike unless you have played video games before and knew basic controls for a vehicle. However, playing the game halfway we didn't realize our Dirt Bike had a boost.....Who would have thought?! I know we didn't! It would have helped to know in a tutorial and would have saved us a lot of time, especially with some issues in certain situations with the Freakers! Another key issue to which we came to is that the game may have been made in a rush. The reason we feel that way was because of the obvious glitches in the game and the button inputs. Yes we understand games nowadays are more in Beta mode than full release but that shouldn't be an excuse especially for big name titles. We were having issues with the inputs in the game due to it having a lag issue, we would basically press a command with the appropriate button and the action would happen a few seconds later which is usually not the case for games. Usually inputs are immediate, but like we said overall we believe due to the hype the game might of been rushed towards the end.

Overall we did enjoy the game, it definitely is one of our favorite zombie like series and for this reason we gave this game an overall rating of:

The Final Result
Our Rating Is:
