Fortnite Scare? What does it say about the game and it's players?

The Fortnite Scare!

Things were pretty scary when Epic Games' Fortnite event came on as everyone who was in it knows that during this event a big nuclear missile hit the map which caused everything to get sucked into a vortex which eventually became a black hole. As everyone sat and watched live for what people thought would be just another cinematic into a new season were pretty surprised when they were presented with an exit game button, after everything, including the map itself, was sucked into the vortex.  Gamers were forced to exit the server they were in and just watch as nothing happened and the black hole was basically still just showing on their screen. 

With just darkness, gamers who regularly play this game honestly didn't know what was happening. As seconds, minutes, hours, then a day went by, things really started heating up as skepticism was starting to arise from Fortnite being finished, to people thinking they were losing all their vbucks they had, including all the countless skins they already purchased.  Not only that, players started to really panic when they noticed all of Epic's Fortnite accounts like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc had all of their content wiped out and just a live video showing the black hole which basically deleted the entire game. We honestly didn't know what was going on because Epic Games was keeping it on the "hush-hush." With all the media going crazy about Fortnite's black hole, even the parents were on the fence to what was going on with the popular game. Alot of controversy has been going on the past few months about the game itself, which keeps you wondering about how the game really impacts a lot of peoples lives.

Some researchers believe that this popular game is just as addicting as cocaine, to others believing the opposite, and just a number of theories just floating around. Whether you like the game or not, it keeps a lot of gamers occupied. Epic Games does a good job in keeping it updated and refreshed in every season they release. Yet, because of what is being said about the game by all these skeptics, some gamers were actually worried. For some, it's the only game they play. For someone to actually have to find something else to play can sometimes be really hard because they spend most, if not all, their time playing this one game. Regardless, after the second day had gone by, still the game was at a halt as you saw the live feed of a black hole still displaying in the game and its other social media pages. We knew, as gamers, something was coming but we had no idea whether it was good or bad. We don't think any of us were prepared to what was about to happen if Fortnite was even going to be around for that matter. 

After a few grueling days of pondering, wondering, and even theorizing, Epic Games had finally revealed on what was going on and BOOM!  Here comes Fortnite stronger than ever before! Rather than coming up with a new season, they refreshed it and gave it a whole new chapter, calling it Fortnite: Chapter 2. With all new features, such as battle passes, skins, dances, and even new actions, like picking up a teammate and carrying them on your back; new vehicles like the heavily armed boat; swimming in water; to fishing for a weapon in the pond, is it possible for this game to rise any higher? We believe so!  With its growing popularity and their refreshed new look, anything is possible for this game! 

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