Our Last of us Part II Review (Spoil Alert)

What can we say we have been waiting for this moment our entire lives well more like 7 years but you know who's counting...... anyways since the developer Naughty dog created the first series of last of us on 6/14/2013 for the PlayStation 3 its been a really fun ride. A lot of us here at Gamerdium played the very first of its series and we enjoyed it...... A LOT.  Although back then Gamerdium was just a thought at the time we still had our own opinions on the games we played just like everyone else. We at Gamerdium try to be different, scratch that we ARE different then all the other gaming retailers and have decided we would rate games based not just on their storylines or graphics but how the games are played, their mechanics, as well as other main criteria's of the game itself. We take pride in everything that we do and with some thought, we decided that we would start our own rating system to further the interest of our gaming community as well as have them be apart of it in the near future. We take pride in our gaming very seriously and we know our gaming community does as well, we critique games at a level we think is higher than normal standards. So since back then, Gamerdium wasn't around and we were not able to do ratings on the original title or better yet any gaming title because well you know we didn't exist (Duh) we thought we would start our very first on one of the biggest title's known in gaming history. By the way, we have rated games before as individuals just not as a company you know just in case if you guys/girls were wondering if we knew what we were even doing. So here is our first look at what we thought about the new Last of Us Part II that was released on Sony's Playstation 4 on 6/19/20. We will be rating all of our games out of 100, 100 being the best, and 1 being of course as you guessed it the worst! So let's get started on our review, shall we!


As we played the game of course we were hit with the beautiful graphics and attention to detail between the characters and the scenery of Seattle from both inside and outside. We definitely give props to the creators of the game who took their time with the game to give us an amazing outcome. The attention to detail in the game was very noticeable from when it rained to stepping in a pool of blood they did not fail to capture real events that occurred afterward. For example when it rained if the character you were using had a jacket with a hoody the character would interact by putting the hoody on, when entering a building they would take the hoody off and you would notice the water drip off the character and the jacket onto the floor. The pool of blood was another example if you stepped in it from taking out an enemy it would leave blood footprints in the ground, we were very impressed and glad they did their best to capture as much detail as possible to make it as realistic as possible. We highly appreciated that for sure, the other thing we noticed that we honestly did not see coming as we were brought to play both sides of the character's stories, Ellie's and Abby's. The game is based in an apocalyptic environment and characters in the game were made to make decisions based on the situations they were in and playing the different characters to get a better understanding of what led them to their decisions spoke to us. Usually, games just focus on one storyline and that's it and never getting a full understanding of the other characters in the game.  Another thing we were impressed with was the storyline and the events that occurred, we were on our toes throughout the story. We were met with tons of surprises and did not see most of the actions coming, it was unreal how surprised we were in most scenes of the game. Usually, when you're playing a storyline type of game you could kind of guess what was going to happen next or in most cases not even be surprised when an event happened. Not here that's for sure we were shocked by tons of scenes and the storyline always took an interesting turn where events happened that we did not even see coming, we just couldn't believe the emotional rollercoaster that took place it was an amazing experience. When the pieces of the puzzle were coming together from each character's storyline the game was made clear. We were happy with how the game was played out and we enjoyed playing it.


As we played the game even with all the amazing graphics and the attention to detail there were a few things we noticed we thought could have been addressed better. The first thing we noticed was the mechanics of the game while moving around we caught ourselves a few times having a hard time turning our character around properly. Too many times did we find our character walking backward and not immediately turning around when trying to get away from enemies or creatures. Sometimes we even got stuck it wasn't just a once in a while action it actually happened quite often. Another thing about the game we found frustrating was the key items viewing option of items you found like necklaces, notes, or even when looking at a map. We found it when updating a map in one of the missions the character would update the map and put it away and then you would have to pull the map out again to look at it instead of just leaving it out to keep looking. To be honest we are being picky but at the same time, we know what a lot of gamers like and we take our rating very seriously and we love gaming it's never going to change. We felt that even though the interaction with items and doors was great the moving mechanics were quite rough, we would sometimes get caught by enemies or creatures just because of the moving mechanics. Sometimes we would move up slightly and it would just instantly move too much where the character would overstep for no reason and sometimes die because we fall over an edge. Another issue we had besides the mechanics was the death of Joel (Now hold up we are not on the bandwagon here there is a valid reason for this!) we are not mad at the fact that Joel died its the way he died that kind of had us on edge. We were happy that it caught us off guard and we didn't expect it (AT ALL!) but we weren't happy in the fact that he died in a way which was unrealistic we are pretty sure there could have been another way in which Joel died unexpectedly and still keep us in shock. We didn't wait 7 years just for us to see Joel die getting his head beat in with a golf club like really...... 

The Final Results


Our Rating
